AI Regulation in 2024: A Comparative Analysis of Global Initiatives

Mariana Corrêa
5 min readJan 19, 2024


Much has been said about the EU AI Act’s advancements, yet it’s important to look beyond. This article highlights this critical step and explores other key AI regulation projects in 2024, including:


Council of Europe AI Treaty


G7 Hiroshima Process



Set to be adopted in 2024, the EU AI Act is the first comprehensive AI legislation globally. Following a provisional agreement in December 2023, it introduces a risk-based approach, categorizing AI applications into four risk levels. The final text is expected in early 2024, with prohibitions effective six months post-formalization and full application two years later. Its goal: ensuring AI safety in Europe, respecting rights and democracy, and setting a global precedent.

However, there are concerns about the Act’s balance between innovation and regulation. Critics argue that excessive restrictions could hamper technological innovation and the EU’s global AI competitiveness. These concerns underscore the need for ongoing dialogue among legislators, industry, and scientists to ensure the Act’s effectiveness and fairness.

The EU AI Act proposes a novel framework for AI regulation, dividing applications into four risk levels. Unacceptable risk applications will be banned, high-risk ones will require rigorous assessments, limited-risk applications like chatbots will need transparency, and minimal-risk applications will have more lenient regulations.

Council of Europe AI Treaty

The Council of Europe AI Treaty, which is currently being drafted, is emerging as a potentially transformative milestone in global AI regulation. This treaty adopts a more holistic approach than the EU AI Act, focusing on protecting human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, and extending its impact beyond European borders. Its aim is to harmonize international regulations, setting ethical and legal standards for AI on a global scale.

There are significant concerns surrounding the treaty. Critical issues include privacy, non-discrimination, and freedom of expression, emphasizing the need for a cautious approach in the treaty’s formulation.

A key plenary meeting is set for January 2024 to refine the treaty, aiming to address raised concerns and ensure its effectiveness. The development process of the Council of Europe AI Treaty is a significant event to watch in 2024. Its outcome could influence not just European AI policy but also set a precedent for global AI governance. As such, it’s fundamental for policymakers, industry leaders, and legal experts to closely follow this process and contribute where possible to shape a balanced and effective framework for AI regulation.


UNESCO is working towards establishing global AI ethics guidelines. After adopting important recommendations in 2021, they’re now preparing for the 2nd Global Forum on AI Ethics in Slovenia in 2024. This event will gather industry leaders to discuss and improve AI policies. The focus in 2024 is on enhancing global discussions and implementing these ethical guidelines.

The forum will address challenges brought by advanced AI technologies, like generative AI models. Governments recognize both AI’s potential benefits and risks, including issues like conflict escalation, misinformation, cyber-attacks, privacy breaches, and intellectual property rights protection. These topics are set for discussion at this year’s meeting.

Different countries have various approaches to AI regulation. UNESCO’s Global Forum aims to bring together industry and civil society leaders to share experiences and work on effective AI policy-making.

G7 Hiroshima Process

Launched in 2023, the G7 Hiroshima Process remains a cornerstone of the G7 countries’ commitment to fostering safety and transparency in Artificial Intelligence. This initiative, particularly focused on generative AI, seeks to align AI governance with the core values of the G7 nations. As we step into 2024, the Hiroshima Process is making strides in establishing international guiding principles and drafting a code of conduct for entities involved in developing sophisticated AI systems. The process includes a series of meetings and events aimed at shaping the trajectory of AI regulation and governance.

This initiative is great for understanding how the G7 countries, major players in the global market, approach AI regulation. Their strategies will likely influence future global AI policies and regulations.


The US is increasingly focusing on AI governance, as seen in the developments of the US AI Act. In 2024, AI, especially generative AI and its implications for privacy and security, remains a hot topic. While a comprehensive federal AI law is still absent, states like California, New York, and Florida are stepping up their AI regulatory efforts. These state-level initiatives are crucial in shaping what future national regulations might look like.

A major concern with the US AI Act is the fragmentation of regulations and the absence of a unified federal strategy. This state-by-state approach risks creating a bunch of rules, posing difficulties for businesses operating nationally and globally.

The conversation around AI regulation in the US is set to intensify in 2024. There’s a growing consensus on the need for a comprehensive federal law that outlines ethical and responsible AI usage. This debate is likely to escalate, potentially leading to new federal legislative proposals.

Reflecting on the US’s stance in the AI regulatory landscape, it’s clear that the US approach contrasts with Europe’s. Europe has been proactive and centralized, as seen with the EU AI Act, while the US favors a more decentralized, market-driven model. The US regulatory environment typically prioritizes innovation and technological progress before establishing extensive regulations. The diverse political and economic interests in the US add complexity to reaching a consensus on nationwide AI regulations.

Outlook for 2024

As 2024 unfolds, AI regulation is emerging as a global priority. From the EU AI Act to the Council of Europe AI Treaty and UNESCO initiatives, a global movement towards ethical, safe, and transparent AI is evident. In the US, the trend towards AI regulation reflects similar concerns. This period marks a decisive milestone in technology history, characterized by legislative efforts to keep pace with innovation.

AI development and use must benefit humanity, respecting ethical values and fundamental rights. The aim is not to stifle its evolution but to responsibly accompany its growth.



Mariana Corrêa

Daily journey with Jesus, exploring the world, striving to be my best self, anxiety-free and protagonist of my life. I'm also a digital and privacy attorney.