Take a decision. Are you really in control of your life?

Mariana Corrêa
2 min readMay 11, 2024


It's great to be writing again, and this time I've decided not to stop anymore.

Decision is a tricky little word, isn’t it?

People often use it to refer to an abrupt change, a definitive end, or a significant beginning. A milestone. A life event.

However, I actually see decision as something continuous, a series of daily choices that shape our path. It’s not a one-time event.

When you wake up and choose a Coke instead of a nutritious breakfast, you’ve made a choice. You selected from the options available to you.

And it’s these choices that lead us to a deeper judgment: it’s the commitment to follow a specific path, eliminating other possibilities.

So, when you repeatedly choose to drink Coke, you decided to be an unhealthy person and probably develop a series of diseases in the coming years. Consciously or unconsciously, you decided that.

  • But what’s the point here?

Often, we make choices from the options presented to us without considering that they might lead us to make poor decisions.

I know, it sounds confusing, but let me clarify…

In my life, I’ve made a series of choices, not because I wanted to, but because they were the ones available to me. It was my harsh and raw reality.

Like a 6 year old child who has only two options: the sugary cereal or the entirely artificial cereal bar.

This led me to make a series of poor decisions that I didn’t truly desire.

And this is something that, unfortunately, most people don’t realize in their lives.

And they remain living chained to this.

But this time, with this awareness, life finally presented me with a new option. It’s like unlocking a new level in a video game after much effort.

The option to make choices that aren’t confined to my little box of life’s conveniences.

And so I did.

My decision is that I want to be 100% myself, in my best version, in the simplest, lightest way.

This doesn’t align with the fear of posting what I write.

I hope to share my thoughts here with you, everything I feel.

I hope to see you in my next text. 🦋❤

photo from lexica.art
photo from lexica.art



Mariana Corrêa

Daily journey with Jesus, exploring the world, striving to be my best self, anxiety-free and protagonist of my life. I'm also a digital and privacy attorney.